
Brownlow Primary School

Happy, Healthy, High Achieving

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Brownlow Primary School

Happy, Healthy, High Achieving

Absence/Late Procedures

Attendance Matters - Information for Parents

Request for leave of absence during term time form

If your child is sick

If your son or daughter is absent from school, please notify the office by calling 01664 562315 and selecting option 1.  Please speak clearly and tell us your child's name, their class and the reason for their absence You should do this on the first day of absence and every day after that until your child returns to school.  If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they cannot return to school until 48 hours after their last episode of vomiting or having diarrhoea.  In addition to this, a note explaining your child’s absence should be brought in and handed to the staff in the school office on their return.

Please note: High levels of absence due to illness will not be authorised unless medical evidence from a doctor is provided.


Medical Appointments

Please try to avoid making any appointments for the dentist, optician and doctor during the school day.  If a school time appointment is unavoidable, please make sure your child attends school before and after the appointment.

Please note: Medical evidence should be provided and will be required for all appointments.


Family Holidays in Term Time

By law, from September 2013 we can no longer authorise holidays during term time.  Parents wishing to take their child on holiday should do so during the school holidays.

Please note: If your child has unauthorised leave of absence for any reason, you may either be issued with a Penalty Notice of £60 per child which must be paid within 21 days.  Failure to do so will result in the fine(s) being doubled to £120 which must be paid within 28 days of the original fine being issued.  If the fine remains unpaid, parents may face legal action under section 444 of the Education Act 1996.


Persistently Absent pupils

The definition of a Persistently Absent pupil is now any pupil who misses 10% or more of their education.

If your child’s attendance drops to below 90% they become classified as a Persistent Absence pupil.  This will automatically result in the Education Welfare Service becoming involved and taking action.  To avoid this happening, it is absolutely essential that your child’s attendance remains as far above 96% as possible.

Brownlow is committed to ensuring that all our children achieve to their full potential.  We work hard to monitor the attendance of each individual pupil and to provide support and guidance where necessary.  Equally, as parent/carer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child’s attendance remains as far above 96% as possible.  If you have any concerns about attendance or punctuality please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

If your child is late

If your child is late to school (after the external doors have been closed), you must sign them into school via the Main Reception using the electronic system located there.  Please ensure that you complete the sign in procedure and do not leave your child there for the office staff to deal with.


If you need to sign your child out during the day

If your child has an appointment during the day it is always best if you can let our office staff know in advance.  That way we can get the children ready for when you arrive. Yopu woukld then need to sign your child out via the electronic system in Main Reception.  If you return to school during the same day, please follow the procedures above for the signing in of late pupils.
