Brownlow Primary School is committed to ensuring that every child has access to a high quality educational experience which allows them to fulfil their potential. Attendance at school is a legal requirement and is important to a child’s social development and academic success.
Regular attendance and good punctuality at school are essential for good success.
There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement. If children are not in class they are NOT LEARNING!
Research carried out by the Department of Education has shown that attendance is the most significant factor impacting on how well children achieve in school.
We do understand that in some cases there are underlying medical and health issues that can affect attendance, and in these cases we would urge you to pop into school to discuss the impact of these issues on your child’s education. Working together, we should be able to improve your child’s school experiences and level of attendance.
Absence from school
By law, children are required to attend school for 190 days each year. At Brownlow, our aim is for all children to have 100% attendance, and we view children’s attendance in the following way:
100% is outstanding
99.99%-98.01% is excellent (with no unauthorised absence)
98%-96.01% is good (with no unauthorised absence)
96%-90% requires improvement
Under 90% is a persistent absentee
Below we show you how quickly even a few days away from school can negatively impact on the learning time that children miss out on.